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11 July 2005

Perfect Princess

~ Saran Michael tentang Sikap Putri ~

Michael Moscovits:
Bersikaplah seperti Mia: Jangan membuang sampah sembarangan atau merokok, dan berushalah jalan kaki, naik sepeda, atau naik transportasi umum daripada lebih banyak membakar sumber daya alam kita yang berharga. Dan buanglah bekas permen karetmu di tempat sampah terdekat: burung-burung bisa tertarik pada warnanya kalau kau membuang permen karetmu di tanah, lalu mereka makan permen karetmu, kemudian paruh mereka jadi tertutup lengket dan mereka akan mati kelaparan.

  • Seharusnya kita buang segala sampah di tempatnya bukan hanya sampah permen karet.
  • Jalan kaki atau naik sepedalah yang terbaik, tentu jika perjalanannya dekat. Karena jika kau sedikit-sedikit naik kendaraan bermotor, aku akan berterima kasih banyak padamu karena kau telah berkontribusi penuh atas polusi udara dan pemanasan global yang ditimbulkan kendaraan bermotormu. Tentu dalam kasus perjalanan jauh, sebaiknya kau naik kendaraan umum saja. Efeknya akan sangat banyak, seperti mengurangi polusi udara dan mengurangi kemacetan.
  • Terima kasih banyak kepada perokok karena mereka mengambil hak-ku untuk menghirup udara bebas dan mempertinggi tingkat pemanasan global, polusi udara, efek rumah kaca, kerusakkan ozon... pokoknya terima kasih banyak!


~ Saran Mia tentang Sikap Putri ~

Mia Thermopolis:
Bersikaplah seperti Mononoke: Jagalah taman-taman dan paru-paru kotamu bersih dari sampah. Teman-teman binatangmu pasti berterima kasih kepadamu. Mungkin bukan dengan cara langsung menolongmu kalau kau tersesat di hutan atau apa, tapi kau kan tak pernah tau.

Satu hal yang pasti, jika kau menjaga (tidak hanya) taman-taman dan paru-paru kotamu bersih dari sampah adalah, planet ini terasa lebih baik dan lebih indah untuk ditinggali.

*Dari buku: Perfect Princess, Meg Cabot, kecuali bagian "Me".

09 July 2005

Life Story- School and Vacation

This is summer vacation. The actually, there's no summer vacation in my country. I think, this is rainy-season-vacation. Oh, whatever.
It's just school vacation in rainy season.

In this vacation, my younger female cousin came to stay at my house for a week. And next week, my older female cousin celebrate her 17th anniversary. I don't know, her anniversary is on Sunday, after that day, Monday, I must go to school!!!
I spend this vacation with...watching Mean Girl, Ella Enchanted, The Incredibles, Scary Movie 3; reading The Princess Diaries vol. II-Perfect Princess; surfing internet; attending my courses; going shopping spree with my friends; watching TV; checking e-mail; eating Arabian Chicken with my cousin; playing Poker and other card game with my brother and his friends also with my cousin, sometimes.

It's totally boring! Except when I have a shopping time with my family tomorrow. Ha ha, I can't wait! How about the shopping sprees with my friends? It was terrible! Yeah, I bought some items and have photo box, but we were in the small mall! It wasn't good mall.

School!!! God. I can't help that! Now I'm in the third grade of Junior Hi school. And my last score isn't satisfied enough.
I must study harder or I can't pass. Hello, this is third grade!
  1. Take any extra classes
  2. No more wasting time or watch awful TV programmes
  3. Use the time effectively and efficiently
  4. Attend courses
  5. Study everyday except on weekend
  6. Write what teacher has explained, (about the lessons) it can make still 'alive'!
  7. Ask theacher if don't understand (uh c'mon, it just ask! why I'm always hesitant?!)
  8. Write the schedule
  9. Stop activities which don't relate to school
  10. Don't forget to have breakfast before go to school

08 July 2005

Rainbow Warrior

Captain Pete sent me an e-mail. I mean, it's not real that captain Pete really sent me an e-mail personally, you know. It's like a Greenpeace thread, or whatever I don't know. I'm a Greenpeace cyberactivist.
I've read the message, Peter Wilcox was the captain of the Greenpeace vessel Rainbow Warrior when French agents bombed and sank the ship in New Zealand in 1985, and killing a member of his crew. Well, of course, it doesn't sound good. Because they tried to stop our campaign against nuclear weapons testing.

Captain Pate: "They didn't stop us. They made us stronger."

I love this Motto: "You can't sink a Rainbow"
I love Rainbow Warrior. Cause this ship bring peaceful missions around the ocean.

Rainbow Warrior is my favorite icon. yeah, it's an icon for a worldwide movement of supporters (like me). Ha ha. Maybe it's because the Rainbow. I love rainbow. The color especially.

Hopefully peace forever.