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29 May 2005

Bantu Bumi di Kantor

Mengurangi pemanasan global
  • Matikan layar komputer apabila sedang beristirahat
  • Hemat kertas (dan juga energi yang digunakan saat memproduksinya) dengan mencetak di kedua sisinya dan dengan menggunakan kembali kertas bekas.
  • Belilah perangkat kantor seperti komputer, printer, mesin fotokopi yang hemat energi.
  • Mintalah kepada kantor anda untuk melakukan audit mengenai konsumsi energi, dan carilah cara untuk menghemat energi.
  • Mulai proyek di sekolah untuk melacak dan mengurangi pemborosan energi.
*Source: WWF Indonesia
Main title edited

Bantu Bumi di Rumah

Mengurangi pemanasan global
  • Jangan meninggalkan keran air yang terbuka. Air merupakan sumber daya yang berharga.
  • Matikan lampu apabila anda tidak memerlukannya.
  • Gunakan mesin cuci hanya apabila cucian anda banyak.
  • Jangan mandi dengan menggunakan shower selama berjam-jam.
  • Gantilah lampu yang anda gunakan dengan lampu hemat energi. Harganya memang lebih mahal daripada lampu biasa, tetapi anda dapat menghemat biaya listrik.
  • Apabila anda membeli mesin cuci, kulkas, mesinpencuci piring atau oven, pilihlah model yang paling hemat energi yang mampu anda beli.
  • Pasang pemanas tenaga matahari di atap rumah anda. Jadikan rumah anda menjadi sumber tenaga!
  • Tinggalkan mobil di rumah apabila anda melakukan perjalanan yang tidak jauh.
  • Gunakan sepeda untuk perjalanan pendek, selain hemat energi, itu akan membuat anda bugar!
  • Gunakan kendaraan umum untuk perjalanan yang jauh.
*Source: WWF Indonesia
Main title Edited

Green Sky

Modern world isn't colored by silver, the truly modern world is colored by green

Public Image
Let's make the truly of modern world!
  • No Illegal logging
  • Do Reboisations
  • Plant plants
  • Don't destroy plants or trees
  • Don't waste papers
  • Keep the plants
  • Make compost

28 May 2005

Babies of Next Generations


Approximately 175,000 American girls have a child before they're 18 years old. Teen pregnancy often turns out to be a personal tragedy for these young women, n' it's also a very serious problem for the nation. In June 1996, the results of a study called "Kids Having Kids" showed that teen pregnancy costs taxpayers almost seven billion dollars per year.

Having a baby so early in life can lead to a number of social problems. 70% of teen moms don't finish hi school. Teen parents have higher proverty rates, n' there's a greater chance of their having to depend on money from the government. The problems get even worse for their children.

Babies of teen moms have a bigger chance of being born too soon n' may suffer more childhood health problems than children born to older moms. The children of teen moms often have trouble in school, n' they're more likely to fail a grade or to drop out. These children are also twice as likely to suffer from poor care or from abuse. N' the "Kids having Kids" study reported that the daughters of teen moms are up to 83% more likely to grow up to become teen moms too! That may be the biggest problem of all, cause these sad circumstances get repeated from one generation to the next.